Renaissance man

美 [ˈrenəsɑːns mæn]英 [rɪˈneɪsns mæn]
  • n.文艺复兴人,全才人(尤指写作和绘画方面多才多艺的人)

复数: Renaissance men

Renaissance manRenaissance man


a person who is good at a lot of things and has a lot of interests, especially writing and painting

Renaissance man


  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指在艺术和科学方面)多才多艺者,兴趣广泛者,通才
    If you describe a man as a Renaissance man, you mean that he has a wide range of abilities and interests, especially in the arts and sciences.

  1. very wide-ranging interests , like Da Vinci or Michelangelo , the sort of guy for whom the term " Renaissance Man " was in fact created .


  2. For the most part , the Renaissance Man is not to be found in our modern world .


  3. He often dreams of self is a great man , is a Renaissance man .


  4. So what if you 're hardly a Renaissance man or woman ?


  5. He is a hopeless romantic and a renaissance man for crying out loud .


  6. SCIENTIST , engineer , musician and great artist , Leonardo da Vinci is the archetypal Renaissance man .


  7. Over his95 prolific years , he had been a true Renaissance man , a teacher of religion , philosophy , political science .


  8. Three years ago , the Renaissance man , 65 , left Italy - and never to return - for France upon King Francis I 's invitation .


  9. Jon Favreau , director of " Iron Man , " has referred to Musk as a modern-day " Renaissance man . "


  10. Michelangelo , the original Renaissance man , is regarded more often as a great sculptor even though his most famous work is arguably the vast fresco painting .


  11. In short , Leonardo was an extraordinary genius , an example of what has been described as " Renaissance man ": someone interested in everything and with many different talents .


  12. In search of such a way , I turned to The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande , doctor , writer and all-round renaissance man .


  13. The combination of professional characteristics and liberal studies turns students to be " renaissance man " . Nowadays , the necessity and urgency of Chinese Culture Education in science and engineering universities have reached a basic consensus .


  14. It was to such a concord of nature and the ideal , to an idyllic reality , that the cultured Renaissance man let himself be led back by his operatic imitation of Greek tragedy .


  15. But this apparent Renaissance man - who seemed so impressive that 26 families used his sperm - was in fact a con artist covering up his history as a mentally ill convict , according to a lawsuit from a Canadian couple .


  16. Curiel , chairman of Christie 's Asia-Pacific , in an email called Mr. Chan a " Renaissance man in the best sense of the world - a scientist , designer , sculpture ; but my best description of him is as a visionary .


  17. Over a cup of Hong Kong-style milk tea served in a Neri & Hu cup , Mr. Neri spoke to the Journal about redefining ' Made in China , ' collaborating with his spouse , and being a modern-day Renaissance man .


  18. It was in Berlin that Cave undertook the first of the extramusical forays that would eventually come to define him as the renaissance man of the " postpunk " generation : a grotesque , blood-spattered , Faulkner-saturated novel titled " And the Ass Saw the Angel . "


  19. The Renaissance artists were universal man .
